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Rescue Matilda

Chiara Ferragni and her beloved Matilda, protagonists of a pixel-art videogame to fight the haters.

The game

Rescue Matilda” is the video game by Chiara Ferragni starring her and her little dog Matilda. Free and accessible directly from the browser, to play it is sufficient to register your e-mail address. In the video game, little Matilda was kidnapped by an alien hater, only the player, in the role of8-bit avatar by Chiara Ferragni will be able to save her by overcoming obstacles. In about 10 minutes the video game ends, but it is possible to play as many times as you want, to reach the top of the ranking.


The projectRescue MatildaIt was born on social media as a bet. A challenge launched to find out how much Lead Generation it would have brought a simple video game. As can be guessed precisely on social networks, the videogame has found ample space, even in Chiara Ferragni's official profiles.

The return in terms of visibility has been very satisfactory. Let's talk about more than 40,000 emails registered to the game in the first 24 hours, with a press coverage of more than 25 articles who talked about the video game and who made it, among the many newspapers: Ninja Marketing,, GQitalia, Vanity Fair.

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Video Gameplay

Live the user experience within the video game. In the Gameplay Video you can see the START and the first phases of the video game. Enjoy!

Music and Sounds

Each video game has personalized music and sounds. Press the button and listen to the soundtrack of this video game.

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