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The video game for preschoolers by Cartoonito.

The game

The Birthday” is a video game designed for young viewers of the children's TV channel Cartoonito. Inspired in colors and graphics by the Cartoonito show of the same name, the location of the broadcast has been completely recreated in pixel art.

To access the video game, the player must enter the video game home where he will find the scenography of the TV broadcast and lots of gifts, someone active (colored) someone to activate by exceeding the level of the game (gray). To start playing, the user must Select one of the gray elements in the video game's home. If the game is won, The selected element will be colored. The game continues by choosing the remaining gray elements one by one, playing a new game. So, For each game won, a prize is activated on the video game's home page. If all levels of the game are completed, “the most magical birthday party ever” will appear for a few seconds.

To pass the levels, the player will have to try his hand at a game session whose mechanics require the player to take aim using the right and left arrows, to Launch colored spheres, aiming at those of the same color. The purpose of the game is Make the spheres explode in minimum groups of three. You win when there are no more balls to explode.


The video game”The Birthday” is the first video game based on a TV show made for the site and the App of the Cartoonito children's TV channel, in order to promote and support the television show “The Birthday”. Addressing a preschool target, we opted for a Simple game mechanics with recognizable colors and characters and come on bright colors.

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Video Gameplay

Live the user experience within the video game. In the Gameplay Video you can see the START and the first phases of the video game. Enjoy!

Music and Sounds

Each video game has personalized music and sounds. Press the button and listen to the soundtrack of this video game.

Menu music