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Divano Games

The video game of 'Teen Titans Go! ' made with a single graphic layout.

The game

“Games Sofa” It is a video game created for the children's channel Boing TV Italy and Spain in which the protagonists of the show “Teen Titans Go!” they are in their favorite location, the mega-sofa in the T Tower!

The player can choose which of the characters to play with, between: B.B, Stella, Robin, Cybor and Corvina. Each character corresponds to a personalized mini game.

The mechanics of the game requires the player to select the character to play with at the beginning of the game. If he chooses Robin he will face attacks from the batarangs, if he chooses B.B. he will find himself playing a video game with mechanics of”Find the couple” which increases the difficulty as the game progresses. If he chooses Stella, he will have to face tubes to avoid, while Corvina will multiply in a series of other colors and the player must be able to capture the real one. Finally, if the player chooses Cyborg, he must take waffles that fall from the sky.

The feature of this video game is that all the mechanics take place within the same layout that changes color to make the game scene always dynamic.


“Games Sofa” is a video game available for free on the Boing TV Italia and Spain website and app. The video game is part of the 'Pixel Games by The Oluk' section And it has as its objective entertain users with simple and easily understood mechanics even from a very young audience. In addition, among the objectives of the video game there is also the increase in the average time spent on the customer's site and app.

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Video Gameplay

Live the user experience within the video game. In the Gameplay Video you can see the START and the first phases of the video game. Enjoy!

Music and Sounds

Each video game has personalized music and sounds. Press the button and listen to the soundtrack of this video game.

Menu music