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Corsa Nel Bosco

The video game of the runaway run by the protagonists of 'We Bare Bears'.

The game

Running In The Woods” is the video game created for Boing TV with the protagonists of the show “We Bare Bears”. The mechanics of the game It's a Endless racing game in which The three bears in their famous colonnaded formation must jump over obstacles and get as many burritos as possible. Every time one of the bears falls from the formation it is a lost life, with the third fallen bear, the game ends. The scenography and characters recall the shapes and colors of the original show, perfectly declined in pixel art.


The video game”Running In The Woods” was created for the site and app of the children's TV channel Boing TV Italia and Spain with the aim of making the characters of the show even more familiar and entertaining young users with a simple and fun video game.

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Video Gameplay

Live the user experience within the video game. In the Gameplay Video you can see the START and the first phases of the video game. Enjoy!

Music and Sounds

Each video game has personalized music and sounds. Press the button and listen to the soundtrack of this video game.

Menu music