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Boing TV's Easter video game 'Impostor Rabbit'

Our latest video game developed for Boing TV Italy and Spain was made on the occasion of Easter. If you want to find out everything about 'Impostor Rabbit' play with Bugs Bunny from the 'Looney Tunes' on a super adventurous egg hunt.

Associating the launch of a video game with a calendar event such as Christmas, Easter or back to school is always a great idea, when the target is kids. Schools are closed and access to gaming devices lasts longer than the school routine. What better time to play?

As with other games made for the holidays, the last video game launched for Easter 2023 is”Impostor Rabbit”, a Videogame developed for the site and app of the children's TV channel Boing TV Italia and Spain starring Bugs Bunny, one of the iconic characters of “Looney Tunes”.

'Impostor Rabbit' from episode to video game

Why 'Impostor Rabbit'? The Video game title It resumes that of the episode of the 'Looney Tunes' that we used as inspiration for the creation of Video game mechanics.

In the episode of the 'Looney Tunes' The Bunny Bugs Bunny meets the Easter Bunny and he discovers that he is being captured by the Eagle Scout leader, so he decides to help him.

Bugs Bunny and the egg hunt. Watch out for obstacles!

Our video game starts right here! The kidnapping of the Easter Bunny kicks off an adventurous egg hunt, in which the player is in the role of Bugs Bunny and has a specific task: Collect as many colored egg baskets as possible while avoiding obstacles.

Obstacles, we were saying. Yes, the player will not find a few of them in this video game! Suspended bridges, jumping crocodiles, snakes, drones and ropes, but also TNT barrels ready to explode!

Where did Bugs Bunny go? He will have hidden himself in the den to avoid the eagle!

Three lives available and a very useful tool to use: the den!

Bugs Bunny can take refuge underground to avoid obstacles and if you find a den along the way, run in because you can bypass the obstacle and move forward on the path.

Have you become passionate about the mere story of Video game mechanics, right? All you have to do is go and play, just log in to the Boing TV website or enter the Boing App where in the “Pixel Games by The Oluk” section you can play this fun Easter egg hunt.

Francesca Fidani
What type is it
Francesca Fidani